Laura Wann

She / Her

Therapist Intern


The integrative and progressive work done at PIP is truly special. I love being able to learn from and collaborate with a team of friendly, passionate, and experienced mental health providers here. I have experienced first hand the care and warmth that the team has for their colleagues and clients.


  • Laura is a master's level therapist intern in her second year of graduate school at UPenn, where she studies school and mental health counseling. She is passionate about building warm and trusting relationships with her clients through a person-centered approach. Her aim is to help clients explore their strengths and challenges, gain insight, and effect change. Laura utilizes techniques from a wide array of clinical frameworks including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing. As a way of facilitating healing, she enjoys helping clients explore the ways that their values, identities, and early childhood experiences impact their daily lives.

    In addition to her recent experience providing clinical mental health services in a school setting, Laura has ten years of professional experience supporting, coaching, and advising high school and college students as an educator and coach at various educational institutions.

    • University of Pennsylvania, M.S.Ed. School and Mental Health Counseling (in progress, expected May 2024)

    • Williams College, BA Psychology and Political Science (2014)

  • English

Laura Wann specializes in

treating these conditions

by providing these services


Jahlia Smallwood


Caroline Doran