Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine Therapy

What is Ketamine Therapy?

At subanesthetic doses, Ketamine has been proven to treat depression, including severe, treatment-resistant depression. Research has also shown benefit in the treatment of anxiety disorders, substance abuse disorders, PTSD, as well as certain pain disorders. If you're seeking Ketamine Therapy treatment in Pennsylvania, our experienced team is here to help.

Dr. David Danish, the pioneer in the Philadelphia region, introduced IV ketamine for treatment-resistant depression in 2017 through the Ketamine Clinic of Pennsylvania. Since then, he has practiced with various forms of ketamine administration, including IV, intranasal, and oral ketamine.

How does Ketamine Therapy work?

Our most common route of administration for Ketamine is by intramuscular (IM) injection in the deltoid muscle. However, we have the ability to provide oral and intranasal doses as well. We feel confident that these delivery methods provide the same therapeutic benefit of IV administration and provide a more comfortable experience for the patient.

Our recommended protocol for Ketamine treatment involves a series of treatments (8-10 treatments within 4-5 weeks) followed by maintenance treatments that usually occur anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks apart. For a personalized and integrative approach, consider our concierge Ketamine Therapy services.

Our practice is also one of the few in the region that offers Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). We provide a therapeutic psychedelic experience for the patient in a safe, medically monitored environment, with a therapist trained specifically in psychedelic-assisted therapies.

When is Ketamine Therapy beneficial?

Our providers have seen first-hand the many positive ways that Ketamine therapy can change people’s lives with a faster onset of action and fewer side effects compared to traditional treatments for depression. Ketamine works quickly, effectively, and with few known side effects, which is a major advantage over traditional antidepressants. If you're exploring ketamine therapy for trauma, ketamine therapy for depression and anxiety, or considering options for ketamine therapy for teens and ketamine therapy ADHD, our comprehensive services cater to diverse needs. Choose the path to healing with our innovative and personalized approach to Integrative Ketamine Therapy.

What does Ketamine Therapy cost?

We offer financing for all of our Ketamine Treatment options, in addition to providing transparent pricing.

Conditions that benefit from Ketamine Therapy

Read the latest from our Ketamine team:


Labs & Testing


Individual Therapy