Neuropsychological testing is very helpful in certain cases. Unlike traditional “psychoeducational testing” done by school psychologists, neuropsychological testing looks at the way people think and the underlying causes of why they may learn, comprehend, speak, read, write, focus, and react differently than their peers. 

Additionally, traditional school testing does not usually identify or formally assess attention and concentration, executive functioning, sensory and motor difficulties, inductive and deductive reasoning skills, speed of processing, specificity of learning style, and emotional components and the impact of these areas upon overall development and learning.  

Finally, the accurate identification and diagnoses, as well as providing an understanding of the etiology for these differences, allows for the development of very exact and efficient strategies for each child relative to his/her strengths and weaknesses to maximize opportunities for remediation. 

Here is a small list of area neuropsychologists to choose from, in no particular order. Costs, wait-times, and whether they accept insurance vary. 

*Amy Schmidt PhD NCSP and the team at Center for Psychological Services in Ardmore

*Rand Coleman at Cornerstone in both Wayne & Malvern.

*NeuroAnalytics is a group in Wayne.

* Karen Kelly in Wayne.

* Jennifer Jackson Holden Psy. D and the team at Center for Psychological Services in Ardmore.

* Kara Schmidt PhD in Media.

* Mary Lazar PhD at Widener University also has a practice in Haverford.


Adderall for ADHD


Assessing for Inflammation in Depression